Sunday, May 10, 2020

The Theory Of The Serial Endosymbiotic Theory - 1590 Words

The Serial Endosymbiotic Theory (SET) was a hypothesized process by which prokaryotes give rise to the first eukaryotic (an organism which contains a nucleus and organelles enclosed within a membrane ). Was pioneered in the 1960’s by the seminal work of Lynn Margulis. This theory attempts to explain the origins of eukaryotic cell organelles, specifically the mitochondria (providing the cells ATP (used for the cells metabolism) supply used by the cell as chemical energy ). With the theory suggesting that the mitochondria and plastids within a eukaryotic cell were once independent prokaryotic cells (a single celled organism, which contains a nucleus and other organelles that are absent of a membrane ), having been obtained by another organism through endosymbiosis, to become endosymbiot around 1.5 billion years ago. Where the eukaryotes several key organelles originated through a process called symbiosis, with this occurring between separate single celled organisms (prokaryotic cells). Through research and locating molecular and biochemical evidence, it suggests that the mitochondrion developed from proteobacteria, and chloroplast from cyanobacteria. The first sign of a potential relationship between chloroplasts and the cyanobacteria, started with Konstantin Mereschkowski. Through observation in 1883, and working closely with fellow botanists Andrea Schimper. He saw that the division of chloroplasts closely resembled that of the independent prokaryote cyanobacteria.Show MoreRelatedA Critical Analysis Of The Theory Of Endosymbiosis And It s Supporting Evidence1641 Words   |  7 PagesA critical analysis of the Theory of Endosymbiosis and it’s supporting evidence Abstract Introduction The endosymbiotic theory is an evolutionary theory explaining the origin of Eukaryotic cells from Prokaryotic, and is at present; the most widely accepted evolutionary theory of the Eukaryotic cell. The theory explains the origins of mitochondria and chloroplasts and their double membranes, suggesting that chloroplasts and mitochondria represent formerly free-living bacteria that were taken intoRead MorePhotosynthesis is a series of light driven reactions that convert energy poor compounds such as1200 Words   |  5 Pagesa hugely important role in the endosymbiotic history of modern photosynthesis. According to endosymbiotic theory, modern chloroplasts evolved from cyanobacteria. Endosymbiosis is the process of incorporating one organism into another. The first endosymbiotic event involved the engulfing of an alpha proteo bacterium by a proto-eukaryote, giving rise to the presence of mitochondria in cells. Chloroplasts developed from cyanobacteria. After this first endosymbiotic event which led to the evolutionRead MoreEndosymbiosis and evolution of Organelles Essay1631 Words   |  7 Pagesancestor. This essay will focus on: the early evolution of our eukaryote ancestor during Precambrian period, plastids origin along the algae family due to second endosymbiosis; discuss the evidence that supports the theory, including further examples of endosymbiosis. The theory, as discussed by Lynn Margulis, states that mitochondria originated from ÃŽ ±-proteobacteria bacterium which was engulfed by the ancestral anaerobic eukaryotic cell, through endocytosis, and retained within the cytoplasm

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