Friday, May 22, 2020

Medical Marijuana - the Debate - 2135 Words

Medicinal Marijuana: The Debate Marijuana or Cannabis sativa is a natural grown plant in which the leaves, stems and flowers contain delta-9-tetrahydro-cannibinal (THC). When smoked, THC gives the user a type of euphoria or â€Å"high† feeling. However, many medical professionals and patients claim that this drug also gives users medical benefits for various ailments; and they are fighting to have this drug legalized for this reason. According to the National Academy of Sciences (1999), â€Å"the high associated with marijuana is not generally claimed to be integral to its therapeutic value. But mood enhancement, anxiety reduction and mild sedation can be desirable qualities in medications, especially for patients†¦show more content†¦During this five-week trial, 64 patients were given either a whole plant extract aerosol of tetrahydrocannibinal and cannabidiol (THC/CBD) or a placebo. The active treatment was delivered in a spray of 2.7mg/2.5mg of the THC/CBD and the patients could increase their dosage to a maximum of 48 sprays within a 24-hour period. On the final week of the trial, the mean total of daily sprays taken by the patients using the THC/CBD was 9.1, compared to the 19.1 from the patients using the placebo. (GP, p. 28) This study concluded that â€Å"those using the cannabis extract spray were a quarter less likely to suffer pain and about 40% less likely to suffer sleep disturbance, compared to those taking the placebo† (2003, p.28). In 2006 another study was conducted in the U.S. by Martha Tetris, M.D., who is chief of urology at the Augusta Veterans Affairs Medical Center and professor of urology at the Medical College of Georgia. Tetris conducted a research of 52 men under the age of 60 that had transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) and 104 men within the same age group that did not have TCC. â€Å"Among the 52 TCC patients, 46 (88%) reported habitual use of marijuana compared with 72 (69%) of controls†. Tetris (2003) states that â€Å"substances in marijuana tends to stay in the bladder longer than the substances of cigarettes†. (p.Show MoreRelatedEssay on The Medical Marijuana Debate1198 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction: The medical use of marijuana has been a discussion that has been in the news and all around us recently. This is currently a hot topic of interest. There is an enormous amount of evidence that marijuana could be effect against many things. For example evidence shows it could be used to help relieve pain during chemotherapy, but along with this there is also evidence that at times marijuana can cause harm to someone as well. 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This is a debate that has been happening for quite some time and this is not just a debate that is happening among people. There are many that have taken sides including medical personal and government officials. Currently in the United States there are two states in which recreational use of marijuana is legal; Colorado and Washington. There are three states currently that have pending legislation to legalize recreational use; California

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