Tuesday, December 24, 2019

4 Mat Review of Integrative Approaches to Psychology and...

4 MAT Review of Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity 2nd Ed. COUN 506 Sherrita L. Hedgepeth Liberty University July 14, 2012 Summary David Entwistles (2010) Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity appears to be a text with a primary audience which appears to be conservative evangelical Christians. The basic ‘meat’ of the book is the premise that weaving together perspectives from psychology and Christian theology can help us understand and appreciate humanity more fully than we could with either perspective alone (p. 3). Entwistle’s view is that in faithful reading of both the book of Gods work (nature) and the book of Gods word (theology), this textbook seems to be the work of an individual†¦show more content†¦He concludes that psychosocial and spiritual thought, is both science and theology in its elements, as well as acknowledged the ways in which human sinfulness distorts what we claim to know, and employs a Christian worldview. Entwistle argues that optimal integrative efforts combine personal and spiritual as well as intellectual knowledge and application. Concrete Response There is a sentence in the endnotes of the text that really hit home for me and it was â€Å"nevertheless, we can never fully rise above our own assumptions, and none of us can completely rise above our cultural and historical conditioning† (pg. 118). When I read this my mind went back to a time when I thought I could take no more of what life was handing me. I went to my chaplain with what felt like the world on my shoulders and anger in my heart because I thought that I had been stupid to give my boyfriend a second and third chance, he had hurt me just like ‘everyone else’ but my chaplain reminded me that it is my faith in god and my heart that is why I kept giving him new chances. He did so by having me recall one of my favorite passages from the bible â€Å"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with theShow MoreRelated4 Mat Review Essay1023 Words   |  5 Pages4 MAT Review Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Liberty University Jacqueline Langford 4-MAT Review: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Abstract The integration of psychology and theology has become a hot topic since psychology began to integrate into a new part of society. Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity argue ways that one can embrace psychology into the Christian world. The church has always been a dominant part of society. AsRead MoreEssay about 4-Mat Review Entwistle1220 Words   |  5 Pages4-MAT Review of Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Shelby Peters Liberty University 4-MAT Review of Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Summary In his book Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity, David N. Entwistle explores the necessity of integrating psychology and Christianity, the worldview issues, philosophical foundations, models of integration and discusses the difficulty inRead MoreInternet Forum and Discussion Board Forums1224 Words   |  5 PagesCourse Syllabus COUN 506 Integration of Psychology and Theology Course Description Students critically examine the implications of a Christian worldview for counseling and marriage and family practice. Ethical issues relevant to the use of spiritual and religious interventions with individuals, couples, families are considered, along with current research related to spirituality and counseling. Rationale Integration of psychology, theology, and spirituality provides students an

Monday, December 16, 2019

Macbeth William Shakespear Essay Free Essays

The tragedy â€Å"Macbeth† written by William Shakespeare portrays Macbeth as a man who was once a great hero, that falls victim of his ambition for power. This ambition is induced by factors including Lady Macbeth, the witches prophecies and the guilt and remorse felt by Macbeth in regards to the deed he was to commit. These are the factors that contribute to the downfall of Macbeth. We will write a custom essay sample on Macbeth William Shakespear Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Lady Macbeth is characterized as an ambitious woman who can manipulate Macbeth easily. This is shown in (Act 1 Scene 5 line 25) when she says â€Å"That I may pour my spirits in thine ear†. She manipulates his self esteem by playing with his masculinity and his bravery. Lady Macbeth feels she does not have the strength to commit the deed herself and therefore becomes successful in altering Macbeths ambitions. She says ‘unsex me here’ (Act 1 Scene 4; line 39) meaning that she could never have to position of power and rank that she pushes Macbeth to strive for. Through the laguage technique of Euphemisms, Shakespeare shows that Lady Macbeth has difficulty coping and facing reality. An example of this is the text is referring to the murder of King Duncan as ? the ‘deed’. Lady Macbeth describes the action of murdering King Duncan through the words ‘to catch the nearest way’. The use of this euphemism to describe the action of killing Duncan can be seen as though she is trying to hide the harsh imagery of blood and violence in the action of murder. This is an example of Lady Macbeth’s diminishing sense of conscientiousness. The composer also uses vulgar language to express Lady Macbeths character. She says ‘Screw your courage to the sticking place’ in order to further manipulate Macbeth. Shakespeare uses the three witches to set the dark sinister tone of the play. They resemble fates, who sinisterly manipulate human lives and subsequently end them. Sakespeare creates a mysterious and ominous atmosphere, indicating that ‘Fair is foul and foul is fair’ which suggests a change of values. â€Å"And oftentimes, to win us to our harm,The instruments of darkness tell us truths. â€Å"(Act 1, Scene 3, Lines 134 135) The comparison of the witches to â€Å"instruments of darkness† reveals their truly foul nature. Shakespeare is implying through Banquo that the prophecies of the weird sisters will only bring about Macbeth’s downfall. In addition, since Macbeth listens to the witches, he can be considered an â€Å"instrument of darkness† himself. The witches prophecies are very powerful in their manipulation of Macbeth. Through equivocation, the composer expresses the theme of appearance vs real by making the Witches prophecies appear to be a good thing to Macbeth but in reality, they trick him into damning himself. The witches speak in rhyming couplets throughout the play, which separates them from the other characters. In act 1 scene 3 the witches greet Macbeth as ‘Thane of Glamis’, ‘Thane of Cawdor’ and as ‘King of Scotland’. This prophecy leads Macbeth to genuinely think about being in control and having power. The audience views the witches as evil, having the capability of casting terrible events. However the witches cannot force Macbeth to do anything that he does not want to do. They merely revealed the future and chose to confront Macbeth at a time when he is most vulnerable, after the battle where he is feeling very proud of his achievements. Consequently, the witches certainly did have a role to play in Macbeth’s downfall, but if Macbeth had been more concerned with morality and ethics and less concerned about having power, control, and becoming king, he would have ignored the witches’ prophecy. Prior to the murder of King Duncan, Macbeth is plagued by worry and almost aborts the crime. It is in Macbeths soliloquy, where the audience is made aware of Macbeths uncertainty about whether or not he should go through with the murder. â€Å"Is this a dagger which i see before me The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee† (Act 2 Scene 1 lines 41 ; 42) This extract shows how Shakespeare explores the theme of good and evil and how Macbeth is torn between the forces of good preventing the deed, and the forces of evil which seem to be aiding him in his crime. In this scene, Macbeth also says â€Å"A dagger of the mind, a false creation Proceeding from the heat oppressed brain? †. Macbeth wonders if this vision of the dagger comes from his feverish mind. He also decides that he is imagining things. He is not able to distinguish reality from imagination. It is obvious that Macbeth would like to think that the dagger is imaginary, but the guilt he feels at the thought of committing the evil deed is enough to make him think the dagger is real. Although the murder has not yet taken place, Macbeth starts to feel guilt and remorse and is concerned of the consequences that may occur if he does murder King Duncan. His weakness is ‘valuating ambition’ meaning that following the deed, Macbeth will suffer the consequences. The appearance of blood on both the hands on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is an image that represents the guilt and fear of their brutal crime. In the use of personification, Macbeth imagines that the stones of the castle are alive and talking. His fearful imagination makes him afraid that the stones on which he walks will speak out and give him away, following the deed. Perhaps the turning point of the novel in which Macbeth kills Banquo; his loyal friend due to the paranoia felt after the deed had been committed. Shakespeare uses an aside to express how Macbeth’s character begins to deteriorate. This aside is crucial because it foreshadows future events to come. â€Å"Hear not my steps, which way they walk, for fear† This text shows how the composer has used various language techniques such as commas and punctuation to break up the phrases into regular patterns, creating dramatic effect. Shakespeare also uses irony to show how it is ironic that Macbeths quest for power and happiness would leave him weak and alone. Shakespeare uses this variety of techniques to portray how insanity had finally take over Macbeth and pushed him over the edge. In conclusion, it is evident that Macbeth is an ambitious man who is corrupted by the power he gains. The key influences that induce Macbeth into a down spiral are lady Macbeth, the witches prophecies and his own feelings of guilt. In the end it is Macbeths tragic flaw, vaulting ambition, which leads to his downfall. How to cite Macbeth William Shakespear Essay, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Midterm Review Advanced Corporate Finance free essay sample

The questions will be similar to those in the homework and the review except that the possible solutions are not given. You can bring a formula sheet to the exam. Final Exams for Classes Meeting Tu-Th at 3:30pm Tuesday, May 19 11:30 AM 2:30 PM †¢ †¢ †¢ Chapter 11 1. Assume the U. S. government was to decide to increase its budget deficit. This will cause __________ to increase. A) interest rates B) the output of the economy C) both a and b D) neither a nor b 2. A big increase in government spending is an example of __________. A) a demand shock B) a supply shock C) an unsurprising shock D) none of the above If you expect a larger interest rate increase than other market participants do, you would A) buy long-term bonds B) buy short-term bonds C) buy long-term government bonds only D) buy short-term government bonds only Which of the following would not be considered a supply shock? A) a change in the price of imported oil B) frost damage to the orange crop C) a change in the level of education of the average worker D) an increase in the level of government spending A trough is __________. A) a transition from an expansion in the business cycle to the start of a contraction B) a transition from a contraction in the business cycle to the start of an expansion C) only something used by farmers to feed pigs and is not a term in investments D) none of the above 3. 4. 5. 6. The ___ stage of the business cycle would be a good time to invest in firms engaged in natural resource extraction and processing such as minerals and petroleum. A) Peak B) Contraction C) Trough D) Expansion __________ the ratio of the number of people classified as unemployed to the total labor force. . A) B) C) D) 8. The capacity utilization rate is The participation rate is The unemployment rate is None of the above are An analyst starts by examining the broad economic environment and then considers the implications of the outside environment on the industry in which the firm operates. Finally, the firms position within the industry is examined. This is called __________ analysis. A) bottom-up B) outs ide-inside C) top-down D) upside-down Chapter 12 9. __________ is defined as the present value of all cash proceeds to the investor in the stock. A) dividend payout ratio B) intrinsic value C) market capitalization rate D) plow-back ratio 10. __________ are analysts who use information concerning current and prospective profitability of a company to assess its fair market value. A) credit analysts B) fundamental analysts C) systems analysts D) technical analysts You wish to earn a return of 10% on each of two stocks, A and B. Each of the stocks is expected to pay a dividend of $4 in the upcoming year. The expected growth rate of dividends is 6% for stock A and 5% for stock B. Using the constant growth DDM, the intrinsic value of stock A __________. A) will be higher than the intrinsic value of stock B B) will be the same as the intrinsic value of stock B C) will be less than the intrinsic value of stock B D) more information is necessary to Answer this question 11. 12. The market capitalization rate on the stock of Aberdeen Wholesale Company is 10%. Its expected ROE is 12% and its expected EPS is $5. 00. If the firms plow- back ratio is 40%, its P/E ratio will be __________. A) 8. 33 B) 11. 54 C) 19. 23 D) 50. 00 13. Rose Hill Trading Company is expected to have EPS in the upcoming year of $6. 00. The expected ROE is 18. 0%. An appropriate required return on the stock is 14%. If the firm has a plowback ratio of 60%, its growth rate of dividends should be __________. A) 2. 5% B) 4. 0% C) 8. 4% D) 10. 8% 14. Grott and Perrin, Inc. has expected earnings of $3 per share for next year. The firms ROE is 20% and its earnings retention ratio is 70%. If the firms market capitalization rate is 15%, what is the present value of its growth opportunities? A) $20 B) $70 C) $90 D) $115 Cache Creek Manufacturing Company is expected to pay a dividend of $4. 20 in the upcoming year. Dividends are expected to grow at the rate of 8% per year. The riskfree rate of return is 4% and the expected return on the market portfolio is 14%. Investors use the CAPM to compute the market capitalization rate on the stock, and the constant growth DDM to determine the intrinsic value of the stock. The stock is trading in the market today at $84. 00. Using the constant growth DDM and the CAPM, the beta of the stock is __________. A) 1. 4 B) 0. 9 C) 0. 8 D) 0. 5 15. 16. Westsyde Tool Company is expected to pay a dividend of $2. 00 in the upcoming year. The risk-free rate of return is 6% and the expected return on the market portfolio is 12%. Analysts expect the price of Westsyde Tool Company shares to be $29 a year from now. The beta of Westsyde Tool Companys stock is 1. 20. Using a one-period valuation model, the intrinsic value of Westsyde Tool Company stock today is __________. A) $24. 29 B) $27. 39 C) $31. 13 D) $34. 52 17. Ace Frisbee Corporation produces a good that is very mature in their product life cycles. Ace Frisbee Corporation is expected to pay a dividend in year 1 of $3. 00, a dividend in year 2 of $2. 00, and a dividend in year 3 of $1. 00. After year 3, dividends are expected to decline at the rate of 2% per year. An appropriate required return for the stock is 8%. Using the multistage DDM, the stock should be worth __________ today. A) $13. 06 B) $13. 38 C) $18. 25 D) $18. 78 18. A firm is expected to produce $3. 00 per share in earnings next year. If the firm plans to plow back 30% of those earnings at a reinvestment rate of 25%, what will be the expected growth in dividends? A) 7. 50% B) 15. 0% C) 25. 0% D) 30. 0% 19. Next years earnings are estimated to be $5. 00. The company plans to reinvest 20% of its earnings at 15%. If the cost of equity is 9%, what is the present value of growth opportunities? A) $9. 09 B) $10. 10 C) $11. 11 D) $12,21 20. Janet Ludlow’s firm requires all its analysts to use a two-stage DDM and the CAPM to value stocks. Using these measures, Ludlow has valued QuickBrush Company at $63 per share. She now must value SmileWhite Corporation. a. Calculate the required rate of return for SmileWhite using the information in the following table: (K) b. Ludlow estimates the following EPS and dividend growth rates for SmileWhite: (K) Estimate the intrinsic value of SmileWhite using the table above, and the twostage DDM. Dividends per share in 2007 were $1. 72. Chapter 13 21. Which of the following balance sheet items is not considered an asset? A) inventory B) accounts receivable C) accrued taxes D) All of the above are assets 22. A firm has a ROE of 20% and a market-to-book ratio of 2. 38. Its P/E ratio is __________. A) 8. 40 B) 11. 90 C) 17. 62 D) 47. 60 Use the following to answer questions 32-41: The financial statements of Shuswap Lake Manufacturing Company are given below. Note: The common shares are trading in the stock market for $160 each. 23. The firms current ratio for 2005 is __________. A) 0. 90 B) 1. 44 C) 1. 89 D) 2. 0 The firms leverage ratio for 2004 is __________. A) 0. 90 B) 1. 56 C) 1. 89 D) 3. 13 24. 25. The firms fixed asset turnover ratio for 2005 is __________. Please keep in mind that when a ratio involves both income statement and balance sheet numbers, the balance sheet numbers for the beginning and end of the year must be averaged. A) 3. 39 B) 3. 60 C) 6. 00 D) 12. 00 The firms asset turnover ratio for 2005 is_ _________. Please keep in mind that when a ratio involves both income statement and balance sheet numbers, the balance sheet numbers for the beginning and end of the year must be averaged. A) 0. 90 B) 1. 56 C) 1. 92 D) 2. 80 The net income of the company is $970. Taxes payable decrease by $120, depreciation is $85, and fixed assets are sold for $90. If the firms inventories also decline by $65, what is the total change in cash for the firm for all activities? A) Increase of $970 B) Increase of $1090 C) Decrease of $970 D) Decrease of $1090 A firm has an ROE of 3%, a debt/equity ratio of 0. 5, a tax rate of 40%, and the interest rate on its debt is 10%. Its ROA is __________. A) 4% B) 6% C) 6. 67% D) 7. 50% 26. 27. 28. 29. A firm purchases goods on credit worth $150. The same firm pays off $100 in old credit purchases. An investment is made via the purchase of a new facility and equity is issued in the amount of $300 to pay for the purchase. What is the change in net cash provided by operations? A) $50 increase B) $100 increase C) $150 increase D) $250 increase 30. What ratio will definitely increase when a firm increases its annual sales with no corresponding increase in assets? A) Asset turnover B) Current ratio C) Liquidity ratio D) Quick ratio 31. Alumbat Corporation has $800,000 of debt outstanding, and it pays an interest rate of 10 percent annually on its bank loan. Alumbats annual sales are $3,200,000; its average tax rate is 40 percent; and its net profit margin on sales is 6 percent. If the company does not maintain a TIE ratio of at least 4 times, its bank will refuse to renew its loan, and bankruptcy will result. What is Alumbats current TIE ratio? a. b. c. d. e. 2. 4 3. 4 3. 6 4. 0 5. 0 Chapter 19 32. The Dow theory proposes that several forces simultaneously affect stock prices. Which of the following is not one of these forces? a. the primary trend b. contrary trends c. intermediate trends d. minor trends 33. When a stocks market price breaks through its moving average line from below, a technical analyst interprets this as a(n) ______________. a. bullish signal b. bearish signal c. hold recommendation d. uncertain signal requiring confirmation 34. Technical analysts ______________. a. never incorporate fundamental information into their analysis b. do not deny the value of fundamental information c. believe that fundamental analysis must support their conclusions d. None of the above 35. A relatively low value of Barrons confidence index is a(n): a. bullish signal. . bearish signal. c. hold recommendation. d. uncertain signal requiring further confirmation. 36. When stock price falls below a support level, technical analysts interpret this as a(n): a. bullish signal. b. bearish signal. c. hold recommendation. d. uncertain signal requiring further confirmation. 37. If stock advances exceed declines by a wide margin, then technical analysts perceive the market as ______________. a. vulnera ble to a sell-off b. likely to remain stable c. stronger because of the widespread movement d. weaker because of the widespread movement 38. The ratio of the price of a particular security to a price index for its industry is referred to as the ______________. a. trin statistic b. primary trend c. breadth ratio d. relative strength 39. A high amount of short interest is typically considered as a __________ and contrarians may consider it as a _________. a. Bearish signal; bullish signal b. Bullish signal; bearish signal c. Bearish signal; false signal d. Bullish signal; false signal 40. The Dow Theory is a technique that attempts to identify ___________________. a. Only long-term trends in stock market prices b. Only short-term trends in stock market prices c. Both long-term and short-term trends in stock market prices d. Trends in arbitrage trading opportunities 41. A support level is ___________________. a. A level beyond which the market is unlikely to rise b. A level below which the market is unlikely to fall c. An equilibrium price level justified by characteristics such as earnings and cash flows d. The peak of a market wave or cycle 42. Technical analysts consider a decrease in the put/call ratio as __________. a. A bearish signal b. A bullish signal c. A trend reversal signal d. A signal to enter the options market 43. On day 1, the stock price of Ford was $81 and the automotive stock index was 324. On day 2, the stock price of Ford was $85 and the automotive stock index was 335. Consider the ratio of Ford to the automotive stock index at day 1 and day 2. Ford is __________ the automotive industry and technical analysts who follow relative strength would advise __________ the stock. a. Outperforming, buying b. Outperforming, selling c. Underperforming, buying d. Underperforming, selling 44. On a particular day, there were 890 stocks which advanced on the NYSE and 723 which declined.