Tuesday, December 24, 2019

4 Mat Review of Integrative Approaches to Psychology and...

4 MAT Review of Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity 2nd Ed. COUN 506 Sherrita L. Hedgepeth Liberty University July 14, 2012 Summary David Entwistles (2010) Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity appears to be a text with a primary audience which appears to be conservative evangelical Christians. The basic ‘meat’ of the book is the premise that weaving together perspectives from psychology and Christian theology can help us understand and appreciate humanity more fully than we could with either perspective alone (p. 3). Entwistle’s view is that in faithful reading of both the book of Gods work (nature) and the book of Gods word (theology), this textbook seems to be the work of an individual†¦show more content†¦He concludes that psychosocial and spiritual thought, is both science and theology in its elements, as well as acknowledged the ways in which human sinfulness distorts what we claim to know, and employs a Christian worldview. Entwistle argues that optimal integrative efforts combine personal and spiritual as well as intellectual knowledge and application. Concrete Response There is a sentence in the endnotes of the text that really hit home for me and it was â€Å"nevertheless, we can never fully rise above our own assumptions, and none of us can completely rise above our cultural and historical conditioning† (pg. 118). When I read this my mind went back to a time when I thought I could take no more of what life was handing me. I went to my chaplain with what felt like the world on my shoulders and anger in my heart because I thought that I had been stupid to give my boyfriend a second and third chance, he had hurt me just like ‘everyone else’ but my chaplain reminded me that it is my faith in god and my heart that is why I kept giving him new chances. He did so by having me recall one of my favorite passages from the bible â€Å"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with theShow MoreRelated4 Mat Review Essay1023 Words   |  5 Pages4 MAT Review Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Liberty University Jacqueline Langford 4-MAT Review: Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Abstract The integration of psychology and theology has become a hot topic since psychology began to integrate into a new part of society. Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity argue ways that one can embrace psychology into the Christian world. The church has always been a dominant part of society. AsRead MoreEssay about 4-Mat Review Entwistle1220 Words   |  5 Pages4-MAT Review of Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Shelby Peters Liberty University 4-MAT Review of Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity Summary In his book Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity, David N. Entwistle explores the necessity of integrating psychology and Christianity, the worldview issues, philosophical foundations, models of integration and discusses the difficulty inRead MoreInternet Forum and Discussion Board Forums1224 Words   |  5 PagesCourse Syllabus COUN 506 Integration of Psychology and Theology Course Description Students critically examine the implications of a Christian worldview for counseling and marriage and family practice. Ethical issues relevant to the use of spiritual and religious interventions with individuals, couples, families are considered, along with current research related to spirituality and counseling. Rationale Integration of psychology, theology, and spirituality provides students an

Monday, December 16, 2019

Macbeth William Shakespear Essay Free Essays

The tragedy â€Å"Macbeth† written by William Shakespeare portrays Macbeth as a man who was once a great hero, that falls victim of his ambition for power. This ambition is induced by factors including Lady Macbeth, the witches prophecies and the guilt and remorse felt by Macbeth in regards to the deed he was to commit. These are the factors that contribute to the downfall of Macbeth. We will write a custom essay sample on Macbeth William Shakespear Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Lady Macbeth is characterized as an ambitious woman who can manipulate Macbeth easily. This is shown in (Act 1 Scene 5 line 25) when she says â€Å"That I may pour my spirits in thine ear†. She manipulates his self esteem by playing with his masculinity and his bravery. Lady Macbeth feels she does not have the strength to commit the deed herself and therefore becomes successful in altering Macbeths ambitions. She says ‘unsex me here’ (Act 1 Scene 4; line 39) meaning that she could never have to position of power and rank that she pushes Macbeth to strive for. Through the laguage technique of Euphemisms, Shakespeare shows that Lady Macbeth has difficulty coping and facing reality. An example of this is the text is referring to the murder of King Duncan as ? the ‘deed’. Lady Macbeth describes the action of murdering King Duncan through the words ‘to catch the nearest way’. The use of this euphemism to describe the action of killing Duncan can be seen as though she is trying to hide the harsh imagery of blood and violence in the action of murder. This is an example of Lady Macbeth’s diminishing sense of conscientiousness. The composer also uses vulgar language to express Lady Macbeths character. She says ‘Screw your courage to the sticking place’ in order to further manipulate Macbeth. Shakespeare uses the three witches to set the dark sinister tone of the play. They resemble fates, who sinisterly manipulate human lives and subsequently end them. Sakespeare creates a mysterious and ominous atmosphere, indicating that ‘Fair is foul and foul is fair’ which suggests a change of values. â€Å"And oftentimes, to win us to our harm,The instruments of darkness tell us truths. â€Å"(Act 1, Scene 3, Lines 134 135) The comparison of the witches to â€Å"instruments of darkness† reveals their truly foul nature. Shakespeare is implying through Banquo that the prophecies of the weird sisters will only bring about Macbeth’s downfall. In addition, since Macbeth listens to the witches, he can be considered an â€Å"instrument of darkness† himself. The witches prophecies are very powerful in their manipulation of Macbeth. Through equivocation, the composer expresses the theme of appearance vs real by making the Witches prophecies appear to be a good thing to Macbeth but in reality, they trick him into damning himself. The witches speak in rhyming couplets throughout the play, which separates them from the other characters. In act 1 scene 3 the witches greet Macbeth as ‘Thane of Glamis’, ‘Thane of Cawdor’ and as ‘King of Scotland’. This prophecy leads Macbeth to genuinely think about being in control and having power. The audience views the witches as evil, having the capability of casting terrible events. However the witches cannot force Macbeth to do anything that he does not want to do. They merely revealed the future and chose to confront Macbeth at a time when he is most vulnerable, after the battle where he is feeling very proud of his achievements. Consequently, the witches certainly did have a role to play in Macbeth’s downfall, but if Macbeth had been more concerned with morality and ethics and less concerned about having power, control, and becoming king, he would have ignored the witches’ prophecy. Prior to the murder of King Duncan, Macbeth is plagued by worry and almost aborts the crime. It is in Macbeths soliloquy, where the audience is made aware of Macbeths uncertainty about whether or not he should go through with the murder. â€Å"Is this a dagger which i see before me The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee† (Act 2 Scene 1 lines 41 ; 42) This extract shows how Shakespeare explores the theme of good and evil and how Macbeth is torn between the forces of good preventing the deed, and the forces of evil which seem to be aiding him in his crime. In this scene, Macbeth also says â€Å"A dagger of the mind, a false creation Proceeding from the heat oppressed brain? †. Macbeth wonders if this vision of the dagger comes from his feverish mind. He also decides that he is imagining things. He is not able to distinguish reality from imagination. It is obvious that Macbeth would like to think that the dagger is imaginary, but the guilt he feels at the thought of committing the evil deed is enough to make him think the dagger is real. Although the murder has not yet taken place, Macbeth starts to feel guilt and remorse and is concerned of the consequences that may occur if he does murder King Duncan. His weakness is ‘valuating ambition’ meaning that following the deed, Macbeth will suffer the consequences. The appearance of blood on both the hands on Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is an image that represents the guilt and fear of their brutal crime. In the use of personification, Macbeth imagines that the stones of the castle are alive and talking. His fearful imagination makes him afraid that the stones on which he walks will speak out and give him away, following the deed. Perhaps the turning point of the novel in which Macbeth kills Banquo; his loyal friend due to the paranoia felt after the deed had been committed. Shakespeare uses an aside to express how Macbeth’s character begins to deteriorate. This aside is crucial because it foreshadows future events to come. â€Å"Hear not my steps, which way they walk, for fear† This text shows how the composer has used various language techniques such as commas and punctuation to break up the phrases into regular patterns, creating dramatic effect. Shakespeare also uses irony to show how it is ironic that Macbeths quest for power and happiness would leave him weak and alone. Shakespeare uses this variety of techniques to portray how insanity had finally take over Macbeth and pushed him over the edge. In conclusion, it is evident that Macbeth is an ambitious man who is corrupted by the power he gains. The key influences that induce Macbeth into a down spiral are lady Macbeth, the witches prophecies and his own feelings of guilt. In the end it is Macbeths tragic flaw, vaulting ambition, which leads to his downfall. How to cite Macbeth William Shakespear Essay, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Midterm Review Advanced Corporate Finance free essay sample

The questions will be similar to those in the homework and the review except that the possible solutions are not given. You can bring a formula sheet to the exam. Final Exams for Classes Meeting Tu-Th at 3:30pm Tuesday, May 19 11:30 AM 2:30 PM †¢ †¢ †¢ Chapter 11 1. Assume the U. S. government was to decide to increase its budget deficit. This will cause __________ to increase. A) interest rates B) the output of the economy C) both a and b D) neither a nor b 2. A big increase in government spending is an example of __________. A) a demand shock B) a supply shock C) an unsurprising shock D) none of the above If you expect a larger interest rate increase than other market participants do, you would A) buy long-term bonds B) buy short-term bonds C) buy long-term government bonds only D) buy short-term government bonds only Which of the following would not be considered a supply shock? A) a change in the price of imported oil B) frost damage to the orange crop C) a change in the level of education of the average worker D) an increase in the level of government spending A trough is __________. A) a transition from an expansion in the business cycle to the start of a contraction B) a transition from a contraction in the business cycle to the start of an expansion C) only something used by farmers to feed pigs and is not a term in investments D) none of the above 3. 4. 5. 6. The ___ stage of the business cycle would be a good time to invest in firms engaged in natural resource extraction and processing such as minerals and petroleum. A) Peak B) Contraction C) Trough D) Expansion __________ the ratio of the number of people classified as unemployed to the total labor force. . A) B) C) D) 8. The capacity utilization rate is The participation rate is The unemployment rate is None of the above are An analyst starts by examining the broad economic environment and then considers the implications of the outside environment on the industry in which the firm operates. Finally, the firms position within the industry is examined. This is called __________ analysis. A) bottom-up B) outs ide-inside C) top-down D) upside-down Chapter 12 9. __________ is defined as the present value of all cash proceeds to the investor in the stock. A) dividend payout ratio B) intrinsic value C) market capitalization rate D) plow-back ratio 10. __________ are analysts who use information concerning current and prospective profitability of a company to assess its fair market value. A) credit analysts B) fundamental analysts C) systems analysts D) technical analysts You wish to earn a return of 10% on each of two stocks, A and B. Each of the stocks is expected to pay a dividend of $4 in the upcoming year. The expected growth rate of dividends is 6% for stock A and 5% for stock B. Using the constant growth DDM, the intrinsic value of stock A __________. A) will be higher than the intrinsic value of stock B B) will be the same as the intrinsic value of stock B C) will be less than the intrinsic value of stock B D) more information is necessary to Answer this question 11. 12. The market capitalization rate on the stock of Aberdeen Wholesale Company is 10%. Its expected ROE is 12% and its expected EPS is $5. 00. If the firms plow- back ratio is 40%, its P/E ratio will be __________. A) 8. 33 B) 11. 54 C) 19. 23 D) 50. 00 13. Rose Hill Trading Company is expected to have EPS in the upcoming year of $6. 00. The expected ROE is 18. 0%. An appropriate required return on the stock is 14%. If the firm has a plowback ratio of 60%, its growth rate of dividends should be __________. A) 2. 5% B) 4. 0% C) 8. 4% D) 10. 8% 14. Grott and Perrin, Inc. has expected earnings of $3 per share for next year. The firms ROE is 20% and its earnings retention ratio is 70%. If the firms market capitalization rate is 15%, what is the present value of its growth opportunities? A) $20 B) $70 C) $90 D) $115 Cache Creek Manufacturing Company is expected to pay a dividend of $4. 20 in the upcoming year. Dividends are expected to grow at the rate of 8% per year. The riskfree rate of return is 4% and the expected return on the market portfolio is 14%. Investors use the CAPM to compute the market capitalization rate on the stock, and the constant growth DDM to determine the intrinsic value of the stock. The stock is trading in the market today at $84. 00. Using the constant growth DDM and the CAPM, the beta of the stock is __________. A) 1. 4 B) 0. 9 C) 0. 8 D) 0. 5 15. 16. Westsyde Tool Company is expected to pay a dividend of $2. 00 in the upcoming year. The risk-free rate of return is 6% and the expected return on the market portfolio is 12%. Analysts expect the price of Westsyde Tool Company shares to be $29 a year from now. The beta of Westsyde Tool Companys stock is 1. 20. Using a one-period valuation model, the intrinsic value of Westsyde Tool Company stock today is __________. A) $24. 29 B) $27. 39 C) $31. 13 D) $34. 52 17. Ace Frisbee Corporation produces a good that is very mature in their product life cycles. Ace Frisbee Corporation is expected to pay a dividend in year 1 of $3. 00, a dividend in year 2 of $2. 00, and a dividend in year 3 of $1. 00. After year 3, dividends are expected to decline at the rate of 2% per year. An appropriate required return for the stock is 8%. Using the multistage DDM, the stock should be worth __________ today. A) $13. 06 B) $13. 38 C) $18. 25 D) $18. 78 18. A firm is expected to produce $3. 00 per share in earnings next year. If the firm plans to plow back 30% of those earnings at a reinvestment rate of 25%, what will be the expected growth in dividends? A) 7. 50% B) 15. 0% C) 25. 0% D) 30. 0% 19. Next years earnings are estimated to be $5. 00. The company plans to reinvest 20% of its earnings at 15%. If the cost of equity is 9%, what is the present value of growth opportunities? A) $9. 09 B) $10. 10 C) $11. 11 D) $12,21 20. Janet Ludlow’s firm requires all its analysts to use a two-stage DDM and the CAPM to value stocks. Using these measures, Ludlow has valued QuickBrush Company at $63 per share. She now must value SmileWhite Corporation. a. Calculate the required rate of return for SmileWhite using the information in the following table: (K) b. Ludlow estimates the following EPS and dividend growth rates for SmileWhite: (K) Estimate the intrinsic value of SmileWhite using the table above, and the twostage DDM. Dividends per share in 2007 were $1. 72. Chapter 13 21. Which of the following balance sheet items is not considered an asset? A) inventory B) accounts receivable C) accrued taxes D) All of the above are assets 22. A firm has a ROE of 20% and a market-to-book ratio of 2. 38. Its P/E ratio is __________. A) 8. 40 B) 11. 90 C) 17. 62 D) 47. 60 Use the following to answer questions 32-41: The financial statements of Shuswap Lake Manufacturing Company are given below. Note: The common shares are trading in the stock market for $160 each. 23. The firms current ratio for 2005 is __________. A) 0. 90 B) 1. 44 C) 1. 89 D) 2. 0 The firms leverage ratio for 2004 is __________. A) 0. 90 B) 1. 56 C) 1. 89 D) 3. 13 24. 25. The firms fixed asset turnover ratio for 2005 is __________. Please keep in mind that when a ratio involves both income statement and balance sheet numbers, the balance sheet numbers for the beginning and end of the year must be averaged. A) 3. 39 B) 3. 60 C) 6. 00 D) 12. 00 The firms asset turnover ratio for 2005 is_ _________. Please keep in mind that when a ratio involves both income statement and balance sheet numbers, the balance sheet numbers for the beginning and end of the year must be averaged. A) 0. 90 B) 1. 56 C) 1. 92 D) 2. 80 The net income of the company is $970. Taxes payable decrease by $120, depreciation is $85, and fixed assets are sold for $90. If the firms inventories also decline by $65, what is the total change in cash for the firm for all activities? A) Increase of $970 B) Increase of $1090 C) Decrease of $970 D) Decrease of $1090 A firm has an ROE of 3%, a debt/equity ratio of 0. 5, a tax rate of 40%, and the interest rate on its debt is 10%. Its ROA is __________. A) 4% B) 6% C) 6. 67% D) 7. 50% 26. 27. 28. 29. A firm purchases goods on credit worth $150. The same firm pays off $100 in old credit purchases. An investment is made via the purchase of a new facility and equity is issued in the amount of $300 to pay for the purchase. What is the change in net cash provided by operations? A) $50 increase B) $100 increase C) $150 increase D) $250 increase 30. What ratio will definitely increase when a firm increases its annual sales with no corresponding increase in assets? A) Asset turnover B) Current ratio C) Liquidity ratio D) Quick ratio 31. Alumbat Corporation has $800,000 of debt outstanding, and it pays an interest rate of 10 percent annually on its bank loan. Alumbats annual sales are $3,200,000; its average tax rate is 40 percent; and its net profit margin on sales is 6 percent. If the company does not maintain a TIE ratio of at least 4 times, its bank will refuse to renew its loan, and bankruptcy will result. What is Alumbats current TIE ratio? a. b. c. d. e. 2. 4 3. 4 3. 6 4. 0 5. 0 Chapter 19 32. The Dow theory proposes that several forces simultaneously affect stock prices. Which of the following is not one of these forces? a. the primary trend b. contrary trends c. intermediate trends d. minor trends 33. When a stocks market price breaks through its moving average line from below, a technical analyst interprets this as a(n) ______________. a. bullish signal b. bearish signal c. hold recommendation d. uncertain signal requiring confirmation 34. Technical analysts ______________. a. never incorporate fundamental information into their analysis b. do not deny the value of fundamental information c. believe that fundamental analysis must support their conclusions d. None of the above 35. A relatively low value of Barrons confidence index is a(n): a. bullish signal. . bearish signal. c. hold recommendation. d. uncertain signal requiring further confirmation. 36. When stock price falls below a support level, technical analysts interpret this as a(n): a. bullish signal. b. bearish signal. c. hold recommendation. d. uncertain signal requiring further confirmation. 37. If stock advances exceed declines by a wide margin, then technical analysts perceive the market as ______________. a. vulnera ble to a sell-off b. likely to remain stable c. stronger because of the widespread movement d. weaker because of the widespread movement 38. The ratio of the price of a particular security to a price index for its industry is referred to as the ______________. a. trin statistic b. primary trend c. breadth ratio d. relative strength 39. A high amount of short interest is typically considered as a __________ and contrarians may consider it as a _________. a. Bearish signal; bullish signal b. Bullish signal; bearish signal c. Bearish signal; false signal d. Bullish signal; false signal 40. The Dow Theory is a technique that attempts to identify ___________________. a. Only long-term trends in stock market prices b. Only short-term trends in stock market prices c. Both long-term and short-term trends in stock market prices d. Trends in arbitrage trading opportunities 41. A support level is ___________________. a. A level beyond which the market is unlikely to rise b. A level below which the market is unlikely to fall c. An equilibrium price level justified by characteristics such as earnings and cash flows d. The peak of a market wave or cycle 42. Technical analysts consider a decrease in the put/call ratio as __________. a. A bearish signal b. A bullish signal c. A trend reversal signal d. A signal to enter the options market 43. On day 1, the stock price of Ford was $81 and the automotive stock index was 324. On day 2, the stock price of Ford was $85 and the automotive stock index was 335. Consider the ratio of Ford to the automotive stock index at day 1 and day 2. Ford is __________ the automotive industry and technical analysts who follow relative strength would advise __________ the stock. a. Outperforming, buying b. Outperforming, selling c. Underperforming, buying d. Underperforming, selling 44. On a particular day, there were 890 stocks which advanced on the NYSE and 723 which declined.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

School elections free essay sample

Behind every unmotivated employee is a leadership problem waiting to be solved. Yet many leaders see motivation as a game of rewards and punishment. Forget the cash. Forget the threats. To engage today’s workforce, a leader is well advised to seek the heart of what moves people: their three basic psychological needs. What About Sales Incentives? Variable compensation—commissions, bonuses, incentives, and so on—is a given in sales organizations. Self-Determination Theory recognizes the reality of externalmotivators in a sales environment, and advises that to support internal motivation in salespeople, how the leader uses these incentives makes all the difference. Salespeople can suffer serious psychological harm if sales leaders overemphasize incentives to pressure or â€Å"motivate† people to reach sales goals. In these cases, salespeople experience stress and burnout, focus less on customers and more on money, and can resort to unethical actions to gain the rewards Observing these problems, many leaders assume thatemployees, having secured food and shelter, become passive. We will write a custom essay sample on School elections or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So these leaders try to control employees with threats of punishment or with external rewards, including bonuses, wage incentives, or promotions. While it’s safe to say that many leaders will continue using these methods to motivate employees, literally scores of peer-reviewed studies since the 1970s have confirmed the negative impact of external rewards. Among the startling findings: 1. Rewards consistently undermine sustained, longterm motivation and performance. Rewards for something employees already like to do especially undermine motivation and performance. 3. Rewards make it more difficult for employees to be creative and solve complex problems. Consider a simple example. In the 1993 Wimbledon final, Jana Novotna led the great Steffi Graf 6-7, 6-1, and was serving at 40-30 for a 5-1 lead in the final set. But Novotna double-faulted, then lost the game, and 10 minutes later lost the match. Any or all of the SDT findings may have figured into Novatna’s collapse:

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sex Chromosome Abnormalities

Sex Chromosome Abnormalities Sex chromosome abnormalities occur as a result of chromosome mutations brought on by mutagens (like radiation) or problems that occur during meiosis. One type of mutation is caused by chromosome breakage. The broken chromosome fragment may be deleted, duplicated, inverted, or translocated to a non-homologous chromosome. Another type of mutation occurs during meiosis and causes cells to have either too many or not enough chromosomes. Alterations in the number of chromosomes in a cell can result in changes in an organisms phenotype or physical traits. Normal Sex Chromosomes In human sexual reproduction, two distinct gametes fuse to form a zygote. Gametes are reproductive cells produced by a type of cell division called meiosis. They contain only one set of chromosomes and are said to be haploid (one set of 22 autosomes and one sex chromosome). When the haploid male and female gametes unite in a process called fertilization, they form what is called a zygote. The zygote is diploid, meaning that it contains two sets of chromosomes (two sets of 22 autosomes and two sex chromosomes). The male gametes, or sperm cells, in humans and other mammals are heterogametic and contain one of two types of sex chromosomes. They have either an X or a Y sex chromosome. However, the female gametes or eggs contain only the X sex chromosome and are homogametic. The sperm cell determines the sex of an individual in this case. If a sperm cell containing an X chromosome fertilizes an egg, the resulting zygote will be XX or female. If the sperm cell contains a Y chromosome, then the resulting zygote will be XY or male. X and Y Chromosome Size Difference The Y chromosome carries genes that direct the development of male gonads and the male reproductive system. The Y chromosome is much smaller than the X chromosome (about 1/3 the size) and has fewer genes than the X chromosome. The X chromosome is thought to carry around two thousand genes, while the Y chromosome has less than one hundred genes. Both chromosomes were once about the same size. Structural changes in the Y chromosome resulted in the rearrangement of genes on the chromosome. These changes meant that recombination could no longer occur between large segments of the Y chromosome and its X homologue during meiosis. Recombination is important for weeding out mutations, so without it, mutations accumulate faster on the Y chromosome than on the X chromosome. The same type of degradation is not observed with the X chromosome because it still maintains the ability to recombine with its other X homologue in females. Over time, some of the mutations on the Y chromosome have resulted in the deletion of genes and have contributed to the decrease in the size of the Y chromosome. Sex Chromosome Abnormalities Aneuploidy is a condition characterized by the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes. If a cell has an additional chromosome, (three instead of two), it is trisomic for that chromosome. If the cell is missing a chromosome, it is monosomic. Aneuploid cells occur as a result of either chromosome breakage or nondisjunction errors that happen during meiosis. Two types of errors occur during nondisjunction: homologous chromosomes dont separate during anaphase I of meiosis I or sister chromatids dont separate during anaphase II of meiosis II.Nondisjunction results in some abnormalities, including: Klinefelter syndrome is a disorder in which males have an extra X chromosome. The genotype for males with this disorder is XXY. People with Klinefelter syndrome may also have more than one extra chromosome resulting in genotypes which include XXYY, XXXY, and XXXXY. Other mutations result in males that have an extra Y chromosome and a genotype of XYY. These males were once thought to be taller than average males and overly aggressive based on prison studies. Additional studies, however, have found XYY males to be normal.Tuner syndrome is a condition that affects females. Individuals with this syndrome, also called monosomy X, have a genotype of only one X chromosome (XO).Trisomy X females have an additional X chromosome and are also referred to as metafemales (XXX). Nondisjunction can occur in autosomal cells as well. Down syndrome is most commonly the result of nondisjunction affecting autosomal chromosome 21. Down syndrome is also referred to as trisomy 21 because of the extra chrom osome. The following table includes information on sex chromosome abnormalities, resulting syndromes, and phenotypes (expressed physical traits). Genotype Sex Syndrome Physical Traits XXY, XXYY, XXXY male Klinefelter syndrome sterility, small testicles, breast enlargement XYY male XYY syndrome normal male traits XO female Turner syndrome sex organs dont mature at adolescence, sterility, short stature XXX female Trisomy X tall stature, learning disabilities, limited fertility Sex Chromosome Abnormalities

Friday, November 22, 2019

Lucy Stone, Abolitionist and Womens Rights Reformer

Lucy Stone, Abolitionist and Women's Rights Reformer Lucy Stone (August 13, 1818–October 18, 1893)  was the first woman in Massachusetts to earn a college degree and the first woman in the United States to keep her own name after marriage. While she started out on the radical edge of womens rights at the beginning of her speaking and writing career, shes usually described as a leader of the conservative wing of the suffrage movement in her later years. The woman whose speech in 1850 converted Susan B. Anthony to the suffrage cause later disagreed  with Anthony over strategy and tactics, splitting the suffrage movement into two major branches after the Civil War. Fast Facts: Lucy Stone Known For: A major figure in the abolitionist and womens rights movements of the 1800sBorn: August 13, 1818 in West Brookfield, MassachusettsParents: Hannah Matthews and Francis StoneDied: October 18, 1893 in Boston, MassachusettsEducation: Mount Holyoke Female Seminary, Oberlin CollegeAwards and Honors:  Inducted into National Womens Hall of Fame; the subject of a U.S. postal stamp; statue placed in Massachusetts State House; featured in the Boston Womens Heritage TrailSpouse(s): Henry Browne BlackwellChildren: Alice Stone BlackwellNotable Quote: I believe that the influence of woman will save the country before every other power. Early Life Lucy Stone was born on August 13, 1818, on her familys Massachusetts farm in West Brookfield. She was the eighth of nine children, and as she grew up, she watched as her father ruled the household, and his wife, by divine right. Disturbed when her mother had to beg her father for money, she was also unhappy with the lack of support in her family for her education. She was faster at learning than her brothers, but they were to be educated while she was not. She was inspired in her reading by the Grimke sisters, who were abolitionists as well as proponents of womens rights. When the Bible was quoted to her, defending the positions of men and women, she declared that when she grew up, shed learn Greek and Hebrew so she could correct the mistranslation that she was sure was behind such verses. Education Her father would not support her education, so she alternated her own education with teaching to earn enough to continue. She attended several institutions, including Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in 1839. By age 25 four years later, she had saved enough to fund her first year at Oberlin College in Ohio, the countrys first college to admit both women and blacks. After four years of study at Oberlin College, all the while teaching and doing housework to pay for the costs, Lucy Stone graduated in 1847. She was asked to write a commencement speech for her class, but she refused because someone else would have had to read her speech because women were not allowed, even at Oberlin, to give a public address. Shortly after Stone, the first woman from Massachusetts to earn a college degree, returned to her home state, she gave her first public speech. The topic was womens rights and she delivered the speech from the pulpit of her brothers Congregational Church in Gardner, Massachusetts. Thirty-six years after she graduated from Oberlin, she was an honored speaker at Oberlins 50th-anniversary celebration. The American Anti-Slavery Society A year after she graduated, Lucy Stone was hired as an organizer for the American Anti-Slavery Society. In this paid position, she traveled and gave speeches on abolition and womens rights. William Lloyd Garrison, whose ideas were dominant in the Anti-Slavery Society, said of her during her first year of working with the organization, She is a very superior young woman, and has a soul as free as the air, and is preparing to go forth as a lecturer, particularly in vindication of the rights of women. Her course here has been very firm and independent, and she has caused no small uneasiness in the spirit of sectarianism in the institution. When her womens rights speeches created too much controversy within the Anti-Slavery Society- some wondered whether she was diminishing her efforts on behalf of the abolition cause- she arranged to separate the two ventures, speaking on weekends on abolition and weekdays on womens rights, and charging admission for the speeches on womens rights. In three years, she earned $7,000 with these talks. Radical Leadership Stones radicalism on both abolition and womens rights brought large crowds. The talks also drew hostility: according to historian Leslie Wheeler, people tore down the posters advertising her talks, burned pepper in the auditoriums where she spoke, and pelted her with prayer books and other missiles. Having been convinced by using the Greek and Hebrew she learned at Oberlin that indeed the Biblical proscriptions on women were badly translated, she challenged those rules in churches that she found to be unfair to women. Raised in the Congregational Church, she was unhappy with its refusal to recognize women as voting members of congregations as well as their condemnation of the Grimke sisters for their public speaking. Finally expelled by the Congregationalists for her views and public speaking, she joined with the Unitarians. In 1850, Stone was a leader in organizing the first national womans rights convention, held in Worcester, Massachusetts. The 1848 convention in Seneca Falls had been an important and radical move, but the attendees were mostly from the local area. This was the next step. At the 1850 convention, Lucy Stones speech is credited with converting Susan B. Anthony to the cause of woman suffrage. A copy of the speech, which was sent to England, inspired John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor to publish The Enfranchisement of Women. Some years later, she also convinced Julia Ward Howe to adopt womens rights as a cause along with abolition. Frances Willard credited Stones work with her joining the suffrage cause. Marriage and Motherhood Stone had thought of herself as a free soul who would not marry; then she met Cincinnati businessman Henry Blackwell in 1853 on one of her speaking tours. Henry was seven years younger than Lucy and courted her for two years. Henry was anti-slavery and  pro-womens  rights. His eldest sister  Elizabeth Blackwell  (1821–1910), became the first woman physician in the United States, while another sister,  Emily Blackwell  (1826–1910), became a physician as well. Their brother Samuel later married  Antoinette Brown  (1825–1921), a friend of Lucy Stones at Oberlin and the first woman ordained as a minister in the United States. Two years of courtship and friendship convinced Lucy to accept Henrys offer of marriage. Lucy was especially impressed when he rescued a fugitive slave from her owners. She wrote to him, A wife should no more take her husbands name than he should hers. My name is my identity and must not be lost. Henry agreed with her. I wish, as a husband, to  renounce  all the privileges which the  law  confers upon me, which are not strictly  mutual. Surely  such a marriage  will not degrade you, dearest. And so,  in 1855, Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell married. At the ceremony, Minister Thomas Wentworth Higginson read  a statement by the bride and groom, renouncing and protesting the marriage laws of the time, and announcing that she would keep her name. Higginson published the ceremony widely with their permission. The couples daughter Alice Stone Blackwell was born in 1857. A son died at birth; Lucy and Henry had no other children. Lucy retired for a short period from active touring and public speaking and devoted herself to raising her daughter. The family moved from Cincinnati to New Jersey. In a letter written to her sister-in-law Antoinette Blackwell on February 20, 1859, Stone wrote, ...for these years I can only be a mother- no trivial thing, either. The next year, Stone refused to pay property taxes on her home. She and Henry carefully kept her property in her name, giving her independent income during their marriage. In her statement to the authorities, Lucy Stone protested the taxation without representation that women still endured, since women had no vote. The authorities seized some furniture to pay the debt, but the gesture was widely publicized as symbolic on behalf of womens rights. Split in the Suffrage Movement Inactive in the suffrage movement during the Civil War, Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell became active again when the war ended and the  Fourteenth Amendment  was proposed, giving the vote to black men. For the first time, the Constitution would, with this Amendment, mention male citizens explicitly. Most woman suffrage activists were outraged. Many saw the possible passage of this Amendment as setting back the cause of woman suffrage. In 1867, Stone again went on a full lecture tour to Kansas and New York, working for woman suffrage state amendments, trying to work for both black and woman suffrage. The woman suffrage movement split on this and other strategic grounds. The  National Woman Suffrage Association, led by  Susan B. Anthony  and  Elizabeth Cady Stanton decided to oppose the  Fourteenth Amendment because of the language male citizen. Lucy Stone,  Julia Ward Howe, and Henry Blackwell led those who sought to keep the causes of black and woman suffrage together, and in 1869 they and others founded the  American Woman Suffrage Association. For all her radical reputation, Lucy Stone was identified in this later period with the conservative wing of the woman suffrage movement. Other differences in strategy between the two wings included the AWSAs following a strategy of state-by-state suffrage amendments and the NWSAs support of a national constitutional amendment. The AWSA remained largely  middle  class,  while the NWSA embraced working-class issues and members. The Womens Journal The next year, Lucy raised enough funds to start a suffrage weekly newspaper,  The Womans Journal. For the first two years, it was edited by  Mary Livermore, and then Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell became the editors. Lucy Stone found working on a newspaper far more compatible with family life than the lecture circuit. But I do believe that a womans truest place is in a home, with a husband and with children, and with large freedom, pecuniary freedom, personal freedom, and the right to vote. Lucy Stone to her adult daughter, Alice Stone Blackwell Alice Stone Blackwell attended Boston University, where she was one of two women in a class with 26 men. She later got involved with  The Womans Journal,  which survived until 1917. Alice was the sole editor during its later years. The Womans Journal  under Stone and Blackwell maintained a Republican Party line, opposing, for instance, labor movement organizing and strikes and  Victoria Woodhulls  radicalism, in contrast to the Anthony-Stanton NWSA. Last Years Lucy Stones radical move to keep her own name continued to inspire and enrage. In 1879, Massachusetts gave women a limited right to vote for the school committee. In Boston, however, the registrars refused to let Lucy Stone vote unless she used her husbands name. She continued to find that, on legal documents and when registering with her husband at hotels, she had to sign as Lucy Stone, married to Henry Blackwell, for her signature to be accepted as valid. Lucy Stone did, in the 1880s, welcome Edward Bellamys American version of Utopian socialism, as did many other woman suffrage activists. Bellamys vision in the book  Looking Backward  drew a vivid picture of a society with economic and social equality for women. In 1890, Alice Stone Blackwell, now a leader in the woman suffrage movement in her own right, engineered a reunification of the two competing suffrage organizations. The National Woman Suffrage Association and the American Woman Suffrage Association united to form the  National American Woman Suffrage Association, with  Elizabeth Cady Stanton  as president,  Susan B. Anthony  as vice president, and Lucy Stone as chairman of the executive committee. In an 1887 speech to the New England Womans Club, Stone said: I think, with never-ending gratitude, that the young women of today do not and can never know at what price their right to free speech and to speak at all in public has been earned.   Death Stones voice had already faded and she rarely spoke to large groups later in her life. But in 1893, she gave  lectures at the Worlds Columbian Exposition. A few months later, she died in Boston of cancer and was cremated. Her last words to her daughter were Make the world better. Legacy Lucy Stone is less well known today than  Elizabeth Cady Stanton,  Susan B. Anthony, or  Julia Ward Howe, whose Battle Hymn of the Republic helped immortalize her name. Stones daughter Alice Stone Blackwell published her mothers biography,  Lucy Stone, Pioneer of Womans Rights,  in 1930, helping to keep her name and contributions known. But Lucy Stone is still remembered today primarily as the first woman to keep her own name after marriage. Women who follow that custom are sometimes called Lucy Stoners. Sources Adler, Stephen J. and Lisa Grunwald. Womens Letters: America from the Revolutionary War to the Present. New York: Random House, 2005.â€Å"Lucy Stone.† National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior.â€Å"Lucy Stone.† National Womens History Museum.McMillen, Sally G. Lucy Stone: An Unapologetic Life. Oxford University Press, 2015.Wheeler, Leslie. Lucy Stone: Radical Beginnings. Spender, Dale (ed.). Feminist Theorists: Three Centuries of Key Women Thinkers. New York: Pantheon Books, 1983

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

FGM Practices in Ethiopia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

FGM Practices in Ethiopia - Research Paper Example This paper tells that in Ethiopia and just like other African countries, FGM is a product of a culture that is associated with beliefs, behavioral norms, customs, rituals, social hierarchies, and religious, together with political and economic systems. Despite a cultural background deeply rooted in the conscious of both men and women in these societies, it is important for appropriate initiatives to be undertaken by all those who see this as a violation of women’s rights. Such appropriate actions are envisaged to include among others use of legal measures, outreach services, and health promotion and education programmes. Therefore, the sole purpose of the funding will be at fulfilling the set objectives within these three broad category areas in Ethiopia. World Health Organization (WHO) in its 2008 report described FGM to involve all the processes and steps that usually involve â€Å"partial or total removal of external female genitalia or other injuries to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons and is considered a human rights violation†. Momoh has noted that FGM is a concept that has been supported by centuries of tradition, culture and false beliefs where it seems to be perpetuated by poverty, illiteracy, and low status in women, as well as inadequate healthcare facilities. In these societies, the practice of FGM is inherently linked to overall ideas about identity, sexuality, gender, and power. in addition, women who accept to undergo FGM are regarded in high esteem in the society that practice it while those who do not embrace the practice are viewed as immature women, unaccepted in the community and largely unqualified for marriage and childbearing. In essence, women who decide to undergo FGM are motivated by the need to be accepted in the society since punishment associated with not undergoing the practice include becoming a social outcast, rejection by peers and family, and loss of security and support.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

THe end of solitude by William Deresiewicz' Essay

THe end of solitude by William Deresiewicz' - Essay Example Deresiewicz’s arguments in demonstrating end of solitude do not apply to the entire population both within and outside the United States. The author contends that anonymity is a great contemporary terror (Deresiewicz, 2009). I disagree with this idea because not all persons socialize to the extent of negating anonymity. Today, there are people around the world that Americans have not heard of. On the same note, the existence of some communities in America is unknown to other countries around the world. In other words, anonymity has been, and will remain to be, part of human life. A key example in the anonymity factor is the lifestyle of the Amish people. Amish communities are yet to embrace new and advanced technologies that keep the world connected. When people talk about Amish communities, the actual essence of solitude comes to light. These are people who still live true to their traditions, customs, and culture, all of which date back to hundreds of years ago. In light of contemporary lifestyles, Amish practices are fundamentally isolated from the twenty first century life. The article further argues that there is fear of isolation within and across the contemporary masses. Going back to the Amish community, these people continue to normal and comfortable lives amid isolation from the large population. This is a contemporary example of a specific lot isolated from the herd. Television, modern vehicles, internet, and social media do not feature in any aspect of their lives. With such eminent communities, anonymity and fear of isolation becomes refutable arguments. Moreover, a number of observations across the globe support my position of disagreeing with Deresiewicz’s article. In the United States, majority of the people who live across the mountain ranges are isolated from civilization. Specifically, people living in the Alaskan and Appalachian mountains lead a life way off modern technologies. The fall of internet and social media has not captured

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Humanistic and Psychodynamic Essay Example for Free

Humanistic and Psychodynamic Essay Abraham Harold Maslow- Humanistic Approach Humanistic is the psychology study of how the human works as a whole. This studies the uniqueness of the person through their behaviour. Rather than just observing the humans behaviour, humanistic psychologists try to study the humans behaviour first person rather than just observing. Meaning they try to understand the situation and the emotional feelings the person is going through for them to have that specific type of behaviour, they try to understand the behaviour of the person by looking at it from their perspective. Humanistic is a way of thinking and is an ability to solve our own personal problems. This meaning to focus on our own perspectives, experiences, thoughts, self-image and feelings to understand an individual. People can be capable of self-development and their own self-improvement. We have our own choices on what we choose to do and how we chose to take out this option. We chose how we want to behave and whether it’s right or wrong i.e. breaking the law. An individual chosen whether they want to break the law, knowing full well of the consequences. This is called free will; we have the right to choose what we want to do and how we want to behave. The court of law follows this principle because you know whether you have done right or wrong and there is no one to blame, except yourself, because you chose to behave that way. Abraham Harold Maslow was the first psychologist to create the ‘human hierarchy of needs’ which explains the different level that an individual has to move from throughout life. This hierarchy changes from one level to another and each level has its own specific needs. Most psychologist before Maslow had been concerned with the abnormal and the ill, he convinced and persuaded people to start acknowledging people’s basic needs before addressing them as having higher needs or being ill. Firstly on Maslow’s hierarchy he started with the basic needs of a person such as food, water, sleep etc. then lead to the physical needs of an individual. The highest needs of an individual are ‘self-actualization’ which is realising who you are as an individual and knowing your own moti vations. Not many people get to the self-actualization for many reasons, being that they didn’t get through the different levels of the hierarchy or because they think that they can skip the rest of the  levels, thinking that they know their own self-fulfilment etc. These hierarchies have five different levels of needs. Maslow’s level of human needs started with physiological which is basic survival, understanding the function of the living organism. Which is what an individual needs, their basic needs i.e. water, sleep, breathing and sex. Then safety which is basic need again and feeling secure. For example, freedom from danger, risks or injuries whether at employment, home or doing everyday activities. Love and belonging is the next need which is the emotional level/need. Meaning to understand what love is and what it feels like to belong, dependent on being part of a family or understanding what it is like to love through friendship or sexual relationships. Esteem is the fo urth need, which is respect and recognition. Understanding what your personal goals are in life and what you can achieve throughout life dependent on yourself respect and respect for one another. The final level is self-actualization which is what makes you who you are as an individual, realise your own potentials in life. Also, realising your own self-fulfilment and person growth from peak experiences. Everyone as an own personal desire to move up the hierarchy table towards self-actualization, although their progress is often disruptive by failing to meet the low level needs. As an example if someone doesn’t show love or feel loved then they won’t be able to succeed through the love and belonging section, if they’re brought up in an abusive home this would affect the low level safety so they would be decreasing in the levels. Only remarkable people are most likely to reach the highest level, self-actualization. Maslow’s theory was the best type of motivation for an individual, he proposed he hierar chy of needs in his paper â€Å"a theory of Human Motivation†. Hans J Eysenck and Otto Gross approach to Psychodynamic Hans is a psychologist famous for his work on intelligence and personality. Eysenck claims that Freudian theories can be falsified, also Gross claims that Freud’s theories are scientific but have been proven wrong so which he say is simply â€Å"bad science†. Psychoanalyst tends to only accept YAVIS patients for treatment, YAVIS means young, attractive, verbal, intelligent and successful. This is because YAVIS patients are more likely to recover rather than mentally unstable patients. When the criticism of frauds approach happened was because Gross and Freud were in a disagreement on the  subjects of repression, sublimation and perversion. The meaning of repression is to control and resist what you would want. Sublimation is doing things in an acceptable and respectful manner and perversion is far from normal for example being abnormal. They disagreed on Freud’s theory because they believe that the patients should be capable of feelings and having their freedom also they shouldn’t be forced to do something that they do not want to do. Both psychologists argued that Freud got too involved and attached with his patients because Freud was there 7 days a week. Sigmund Freud, Psychodynamic Approach to Psychology Freud was the founder of psychodynamic approach to psychology; this is because he created a new approach to understanding how the human works and the human individual personality. Freud’ theory was the conscious and unconscious mind, he believed that behaviour and personality derives from the constant and unique interaction of conflicting psychological forces that operate at three different levels of awareness. The three different levels are conscious mind, preconscious mind and unconscious mind. Conscious mind includes everything that we are aware, every single moment. Preconscious mind represents ordinary memory. Unconscious mind reservoirs our feelings, thoughts, urge and memories that are outside out conscious awareness. The theory of the conscious and unconscious mind is done to show our feelings, motives and decisions which are actually influenced by previous/past experiences, which are stored in the pre-conscious and instincts from the unconscious. Freud later made a structural model of the mind which was called ID, EGO and SUPEREGO. The ID, EGO and SUPEREGO link to the conscious, pre-conscious and unconscious mind. ID is the unconscious, EGO is the conscious and SUPEREGO is the pre-conscious and unconscious mind. Although these are not physical areas within the brain they’re the process of important mental functions. Explanation of each stage is; ID is driven by pleasure principles which strive us for immediate needs and desires, meaning that the person would be wanting things. Although the ID will try to resolve the tension created by pleasure. EGO and SUPEREGO, EGO is something that is developed through ID in the early stages of life, EGO is the component of your personality that deals with reality whereas SUPEREGO is developed a little later as it controls your guilt. For example, if someone wanted a  new pair of shoes ID would kick in because the desire to have them shoes would rise, whereas EGO would have to face reality and realise that you might not have the money to get the shoes then SUPEREGO controls the guilt so then you would start regretting buying the shoes if for instants a family relatives birthday was coming up and now you don’t have the money. EGO works on a reality principle meaning that it wants to please the ID but in a socially and realistic way, which some people deem as unacceptable. The reality principle contemplates the positive and negatives of an action depending on what it decides, it will either act upon the decision or completely abandon it. SUPEREGO is the basic rules and standards for good behaviour. The behaviours included would be those approved by parents and those in authority. The SUPEREGO goal is to improve and civilize our behaviour; it tries to supress all the unacceptable urges that come from the ID. Fraud’ theory claims that the key to a healthy personality is a balance between the ID, EGO and SUPEREGO. Carl Ransom Rogers, Self-Actualization Again, the humanistic approach is how we look at an individual as a whole observing their behaviour and personality. Rogers was a psychotherapist, which is someone who treats people with mental disorders through psychology rather than medical means. After years of work, Rogers compiled the Self-actualization theory which is the realisation of fulfilment of one’s talents and potentials. Rogers says that people have two basic needs which are positive regard and self-worth. Positive regard is a sense of acceptance from other people and self-worth is feeling adequate. Our feelings of self-worth are important both to psychological health and we can achieve goals and ambitions in life to achieve self-actualization. Rogers’s theory is that the individual is responsible for their own happiness and should not look towards others for it. He believed that a person is born with the desire to be and achieve the best they possibly can. Rogers’s overall theory is about feeling good and mentally healthy therefore meaning a person is cable of resolving their own problems without looking towards others. His therapy was ineffective to those who were unconfident, unhappy and had a lack of self-esteem. So he studied on clients opposite to this, clients who were confident, happy and have a high level of self-esteem. His theory was known as ‘Rogerian Counselling’ which was only effective on healthy minded  people which means it did not work on mental and physically damaged clients this only increased emotional problems such as depression, also the theory was more successful on children and young people. The theory key was communication, if the client wasn’t fully communicating with Rogers it would not work, this proved the therapy ineffective to people with phobias. In conclusion Rogers theory of self-actualization teaches people to become self-sufficient upon their own actions rather than seeking it from other people. This proved that people naturally desire to be accepted regardless of what they do, however the majority of people will only accept them dependent on whether or not they want to. Rogers self-actualization tries to help people understand their full potential and what they can achieve, also seek happiness for themselves without looking towards others for it. His theory helps people become more happier about themselves rather than looking for acceptance and happiness from others.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Physics of Swimming :: Sport Sports Swimming Swim Physics

Common Strokes for Swimming There are four common strokes associated with swimming: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and crawl stroke. Breaststroke and backstroke are considered ‘rest’ strokes; crawl stroke, also known as freestyle, and butterfly are known as ‘power’ strokes. A rest stroke uses less energy to travel the same distance, however; it takes longer to achieve this distance. A power stroke uses more energy and covers greater distances in less time. The sidestroke and elementary-backstroke are two more rest strokes used in swimming. Each of these are not used competitively, but instead are taught to beginners to help them understand all aspects of swimming. Each stroke is unique in body position and the method used to propel each body differs for every stroke. Body Position and Physics While swimming, it is important to realize what each body part is doing and where it is moving. The push-off: While pushing off the wall, the body should be submerged and facing the bottom of the pool. The hands should be together and stretched out in front. The biceps, pressed against the ears, head stationary and perpendicular to the body. The swimmer should be flat and streamline in the water, with the feet swept back. The push-off is the same for all the strokes, except the backstroke. In this situation, the body is instead facing the ceiling of the pool. Physics: As the body assumes a streamline position and is forced off the wall, the sleeker the body, the less drag produced. If any of the characteristics listed above change, a greater drag-force is applied to the body, thus slowing the swimmer down. When the body begins to loose speed and float to the surface, the kick and first stroke is applied. The kick helps propel the body through the water, while the stoke helps pull it. The stroke: Each stroke and pattern is unique. The crawl stroke uses a flutter kick and an ‘S’ stroke to propel the body. The butterfly uses the dolphin kick and a ‘key-hole’ stroke. The back uses the same flutter kick as the crawl, but uses an out-sweep 'L' stroke. The breaststroke uses the breaststroke kick and a scooping motion for its pull. Physics: Each stroke has a catch, power phase, and recovery. The physics of each stroke is similar so only the freestyle will be explained and the others will be related to it. Freestyle begins with the catch, a motion which allows the swimmer's hand to engage the water. Physics of Swimming :: Sport Sports Swimming Swim Physics Common Strokes for Swimming There are four common strokes associated with swimming: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and crawl stroke. Breaststroke and backstroke are considered ‘rest’ strokes; crawl stroke, also known as freestyle, and butterfly are known as ‘power’ strokes. A rest stroke uses less energy to travel the same distance, however; it takes longer to achieve this distance. A power stroke uses more energy and covers greater distances in less time. The sidestroke and elementary-backstroke are two more rest strokes used in swimming. Each of these are not used competitively, but instead are taught to beginners to help them understand all aspects of swimming. Each stroke is unique in body position and the method used to propel each body differs for every stroke. Body Position and Physics While swimming, it is important to realize what each body part is doing and where it is moving. The push-off: While pushing off the wall, the body should be submerged and facing the bottom of the pool. The hands should be together and stretched out in front. The biceps, pressed against the ears, head stationary and perpendicular to the body. The swimmer should be flat and streamline in the water, with the feet swept back. The push-off is the same for all the strokes, except the backstroke. In this situation, the body is instead facing the ceiling of the pool. Physics: As the body assumes a streamline position and is forced off the wall, the sleeker the body, the less drag produced. If any of the characteristics listed above change, a greater drag-force is applied to the body, thus slowing the swimmer down. When the body begins to loose speed and float to the surface, the kick and first stroke is applied. The kick helps propel the body through the water, while the stoke helps pull it. The stroke: Each stroke and pattern is unique. The crawl stroke uses a flutter kick and an ‘S’ stroke to propel the body. The butterfly uses the dolphin kick and a ‘key-hole’ stroke. The back uses the same flutter kick as the crawl, but uses an out-sweep 'L' stroke. The breaststroke uses the breaststroke kick and a scooping motion for its pull. Physics: Each stroke has a catch, power phase, and recovery. The physics of each stroke is similar so only the freestyle will be explained and the others will be related to it. Freestyle begins with the catch, a motion which allows the swimmer's hand to engage the water.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Civilization and Medicinal Uses

1. How is the discovery of beer linked to the emergence of the first civilization?A: The discovery of beer is linked to the emergence of the first civilizations because, a change happened around 12,000 years ago when the nomads deserted there migratory ways, settled down and took up farming. When they began to farm and collect grains that’s when beer was discovered. Therefore beer is linked to the first civilizations emergence by the sudden adoption of farming.2. How is the production of beer an example of plant domestication?A: For something to be domesticated it has to be grown or breed for a specific purpose. Well the plants/grains used to make beer were given just that, a purpose to be grown.3. What sources does Standage use to gather his information on beer?A: Ballinger, Clint. â€Å"Beer Production in the Ancient Near East.† Unpublished paper,   personal communication.Baron, Stanley. Brewed in America: A History of Beer and Ale in the United States.  Boston: L ittle, Brown, 19624. What were some of the uses for beer?A: Beer was as a currency but it was also used medicinally. The workers that built the pyramids were paid in beer and bread, the standard amount each worker got was three or four loafs of bread and two jugs (contains eight liters). Tablets from the Egyptian records that date back to 2100 BCE contains list that different medicinal uses for beer.â€Å"The Ebers Papyrus† yet another medical text for the uses of beer that dates around 1550 BCE , contains many recipes for the medicinal uses of beer but combined with other  ingredients . Half an onion mixed with beer was said to cure constipation.5. How did beer civilize man according to Standage?A: â€Å"Beer permeated the lives of Egyptians and Mesopotamians from the cradle to the grave. Their enthusiasm for it was almost inevitable because of the emergence of complex societies, the need to keep written records, and the popularity of beer all from surplus of grain.† (Standage, 39)What he is saying here is that no one could over look or avoid there excitement for the beer because it brought out more civilized societies, made them keep up with written records to pass down the process to make the beer, and that beer became so popular and so available because of the numerous counts of grains that they had access to know that they had taken up farming and gathering.6. Explain the relationship between beer writing, commerce, and health?A: Beer and writings relationship is that in order for the process of making beer to not only be remembered but also passed down generations, the Egyptians and the Mesopotamians had to make clay tablets. These had the processes, medicinal uses, and ingredients written on their faces. Beer and commerce’s relationship was created when both civilizations used beer as a currency.They used this beverage as means of payment for the builders of the Great Pyramids. On that note this is why the builders on the third Gi za pyramid were known as the â€Å"Drunkards of Menkaure†. Lastly, Beer and healthy relationships come from both civilizations use of this beverage for medicinal purposes. They used ingredients mixed with beer to cure a wide variety of illnesses or discomforts.WINE1. How did the use of wine differ from the use of that in ancient Greece and Rome?A: Wine was seen as a symbol of wealth, he chose not the usual Mesopotamian culture beverage but the elegant wine. Carved stone shows him drinking wine from a bowl not beer. Beer was not used that much for gathering and fest  although it was provided, guest would choose the new drink over there native beer. It was regarded as an exotic drink and it high price and sacristy made it worthy of the gods themselves.2. What did drinking wine symbolize in ancient Greece and Rome?A: Drinking wine in ancient Rome and Greece was an emblem of power, prosperity, and privilege.3. How was wine consumed? Is this similar to or different from beer con sumption in Mesopotamia/Egypt?A: The Pharaohs tasted the wine and made their own vineyards near the deltas of the Nile, for this was a place with rich soil. They made it to where the production outside of their own vineyards was limited. However in Mesopotamia the elegant yet powerful wine was restricted only to that of the wealthy because of the lands incapability to support larger surpluses of the wine.4. How did the use of wine differ in the

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Apple Ipod Advertisement Evaluation

How many people worldwide love to listen to their own elegant style of music? Well with the new Apple Ipod you have the power to listen to your flavour of tunes that gets your blood flowing or just brings back your fondest memories. Absolutely no one could turn down an opportunity to liven up a bad day with a fantastic song. The Apple Ipod is â€Å"probably the best† technology the music industry could grant you. One of the best ways to show people how the product will help you is by advertising on the television because it shows people exactly what the product will do for you and how it will make you a better person. As I found the commercial on the Internet I do not know when the commercial was first aired. But as the target audiences is mainly twelve year olds and all those above (12+) this keeps is short, the duration of the advert is thirty seconds with twenty clips. With a slide only being a couple of seconds long there is a large quantity to take in on the visual imagery of this advertisement. Basically the main sequences are Silhouettes dancing along to the song Flathead by Fratellis. Apple has picked the song Flathead because it makes you click your fingers, so it is powerful and makes you attracted to the screen because of the catchy song. The Song plays throughout the whole commercial without any voice-overs. The song produces energy a qualities important to the sequence through their teenaged years. When the commercial starts the image is a pink male Silhouetted body holding an Ipod stood in the centre of the screen; behind him is a blue background with thin pink and green lines passing behind his body, he is shaking his body to the beat of the music and clapping, his Ipod against his waist. You can distinguish the Ipod because it is the only white object on the screen; the bright colours make the audiences automatically drawn to the television screen. It would appeal to both genders because it shows the male is not troubled of any feminine signals he may be receiving by the audience due to the colours; he is obviously comfortable to express his sexuality with the way the colours are expressed. Then for a split second the screen changes to pink and purple with a full body shot of a silhouetted man waving his left arm in the air; again to the beat at the end of the clip a creamer pink lightning bolt strikes across the man's body, This is powerful because the jolt of lightning gives the viewers a slight flinch, and keeps the attention fixed to the screen. Even though you don't know what the people look like you would still communicate with people in the advert because the viewer is made to feel like they should the like the silhouette. The fact you don't know exactly what they look like is powerful because it could indicate that it could be any one, even the customers; the outline of the character is also powerful because it is surreal and not fixed to one human image. The next clip is of a man wearing a trilby style of hat he is a blue and pink background colour, again the Ipod is in his hand whilst he dances. He shows you the Ipod on this angle because he is showing you how thin it is, he is showing the audience this because this will make the product more appealing because the customers do not want to carry a â€Å"brick† in their pocket all the time and makes the other music player products unpopular. The contrast in colours between the background and the silhouette is also very important because then the audience can easily distinguish between the foreground activity and contrasting background. This is can influential towards the viewers because it makes them what to buy the product due to the fashion that the viewer has seen on the silhouette on the commercial. Another pink silhouette of a man, but the background is blue it still shows the contrast of colour and also shows a mixed personality at the same time. He is kicking his smart and snazzy shoes towards the camera; it makes male viewers feel like they need shoes like the silhouette so the has to go out and get some like the silhouette for the reason that it looks fashionable but at the same time also influences male to also get an Ipod. The next clip is of the first person in the commercial, you can tell since the Silhouette shape and background go back to the same colours as the first clip; so the some of the silhouettes have a individual colour. The way he is jumping in the air waving his arms round like a lunatic suggests that he is have a really good time and he is basically â€Å"freaking out†, another reason that the viewer should buy it because commercial is sending the message the viewer that the silhouettes are having a good time so why shouldn't the customers. An orange silhouette woman is in the next set of slides; it is a headshot specifically so that you can only see her earphones; they stand out specifically because it shows how perfectly slot in the silhouette's ears even when she is dancing. She has long hair and it waves when she jumps and moves to the sound of the music. The silhouette Dances is like so is non-conformity; so the message is sent to the viewers is that Ipods will set you free from all rules. In the next clip their stands a turquoise woman that shows the Ipod in the front of the shot; it is the main focus on the screen so that the viewers eyes cannot be averted from it, it also shows you the Ipod like this because it shows exactly what the Ipod looks like. Going from person to person suggesting that a lot of people like dancing to this song because it is popular or even any song on an Ipod because it is also easily carried and has a large memory so you can listen to a wide variety of the viewers idolised songs. A few clips ahead there is a clip of a man's feet that is one of the first of the clips where you don't see the Ipod at all. It shows how feet are moving to the rhythm of the music. The next clip the are two pink figures on a aqua back ground standing one on the left the other on the right; they jump in the air and a purple figure drops down from the top right to the centre of the screen. They all land at the same time and dance individually, this is a moment of intense movement as the viewer looks at the screen and it fills their body with energy; some of the cloths that they wear are quite smart so it makes you want to associate more with them. Following six more clips there are two pink Silhouettes of a man and a woman; they both dance together so it suggesting that buying an Ipod makes couples might want to dance together; it makes the audience feel as if they could get closer to their partners by buying two Ipods and suggests relationships will be better. When the text says â€Å"iPod + Itunes† it is basically saying if a person gets this Apple Ipod and any of the Itunes available you could possibly be like any the people you have seen in the advertisement. The penultimate clip is again of the couple that where dancing together; you can tell because they are the same shape, the woman walks pushing her male partner off the set so you know the advertisement is going to be over, it suggests who wears the trousers of the relationship which appears to be most female viewers around the world. Conclusively finished with a picture of the Apple logo then it no longer needs any text because it is then obvious to the viewers that this is an Apple product. The analysis of the commercial should have been undertaken to make shore that the colourful stroking images would not be dangerous towards to anybody suffering from epilepsy. A mistake that was also recently make by the advertising agency promoting the soon coming 2012Olympics. Music devices are very common, but what makes this Ipod special is they look good and they are fashionable. I would rate the advertisements effectiveness 8/10 because you could make all the clips more memorable rather than short ones, but it has a very catchy song. So it will stick in your mind along with the Apple brands, mainly the Ipod.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Search For Identity essays

The Search For Identity essays In her novel, Bastard Out of Carolina, Dorothy Allison tells a story of Bone and the Boatwrights, a family besieged by poverty and violence. Throughout the novel, the reader uncovers the lives of all the different characters, and discovering the identity of these characters plays a large role in understanding the novel as a whole. Within the Boatwright family are women who are constantly faced with the struggle of finding themselves in a patriarchal society. Anney, Alma and Raylene each have their own characteristics and ideals and as the novel progresses, Bone successively displays identity characteristics of each of these women. To Bone, these women exemplify the different levels of independence that a woman can achieve in such a society. In the end, while Alma and Anney are unable to break free from a male-driven society, Raylene remains independent, and Bone finds her own identity through her experiences. Bones aunt, Alma, does not have her own identity- she relies on men and children to form her identity for her. She is married to Wade, a man who consistently has extramarital affairs. Alma had finally caught Wade doing just what hed been doing for years, (83) and moved out with her children, only to break under the stress of not having a man in the household. Alma had sworn she wouldnt have Wade back in her life till he crawled the length of Main Street singing what a dog he was, but when the baby got sick and the boys started running around at night, she gave it up and moved back in with him (90-91). Though Wade blatantly disrespects her in every way, Alma lacks the strength and ability to leave him for good, because doing so would strip her of the only identity that she has possessed for years. After asking Wade to give her another baby, he laughs at Alma, saying that he wouldnt touch [her] even if [she] took a bath in whiskey tonic and put a bag over ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Annotated bibliography Essay Example for Free (#7)

Annotated bibliography Essay Source 1:http://business.time.com/2011/08/31/will-steve-jobs-departure-hurt-the-economy/ Summarize: This article discusses how big of an impact Steve Jobs has on the economy we live in today. Apple is a multi-billion dollar company. It has more financial ammo than most sovereign countries, by financial ammo I mean it has much more money than others companies in sovereign countries. Apple trumps the Gross domestic production of Denmark, Thailand, and Greece, which makes the company a true power house in today’s Society. If someone were to ask me what this article is about, I would tell them it explains in detail the impact Steve jobs had on the global economy. Mr. Jobs affected many countries from japan to the United States in a multitude of ways. Assess: This source is useful because it exemplifies the impact of Steve jobs from the Economic perspective. This source is very reliable because it is covered with update information and it is an original written article. The author of this article is not biased; the article exhibits both pros and cons. The goal of this article is to explain the impact Steve jobs had on the economy. Reflection: This source is genuinely helpful to me because it brings forth perfect points that I can connect to while I write my paper. It states how apple affects not only the United States Economy but other countries’ economies as well. This article helps my argument because it says that Steve jobs have a very big effect on the economy. An example of this is in the stock market, when Steve jobs stepped down as CEO of apple, the stock market dropped 5 percent. That is a bona-fide example of how he affects the economy in contrast to the prime Minister of Japan. Source 2: http://www.economist.com/node/21551058 Summarize: This article predominantly talks about how Apple is a major economy innovator. In the last 11 years, apple has come out with 3 products that have completely changed the market. The iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Apple has provided ways to effortlessly surf the internet anywhere anyone wants to, with a beautiful design. Apple has basically created its own mobile generation. Apple has demonstrated that even though the economy is strict, consumers are willing to pay for a â€Å"must have gadget†. Assess: This source is ideally useful because it describes how apple has surpassed its  competitors. Within the last 11 years apple has come out with 3 products that have changed the economy not only in the United States but in other countries too. The information presented in this article is reliable, because all the information is authentic. Also this article is not biased; it shows both the pros and con of the affects Apple has on the economy. The goal of this source is to show how Steve jobs affected the economy in various countries. Reflection: This source will be used to represent how much money Steve jobs generates and how people are willing to do to get this â€Å"must have product†. For an example there was a near-riot in Beijing when customers could not buy the latest iPhone. This source is useful to me because it shows how Steve jobs effects the economy, again when your product runs out and it starts a riot, it is clearly affecting the economy of that region. The source will shape my argument because it helps me show people just how much of an affect Steve Jobs has on the economy, his products are so well loved that if there aren’t any left people start to riot over it. Global Politics: Source 1: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/22/business/apple-america-and-a-squeezed-middle-class.html?pagewanted=all&_r=2& Summarize: This article mainly discuses the comment made by President Obama. As Steve Jobs was speaking, President Barack Obama interrupted and asked him â€Å"what would it take to make iPhones in the United States?Why can’t that work come home?† He said that because apple was saying that their products were made in the United States but practically all of the 70 million iPhones, 30 million iPads and 59 million other products that Apple produce were sold last year, were manufactured overseas. Mr. Jobs responded withâ€Å"Those jobs aren’t coming back.† He said that because 700,000 people engineer and build and assemble apple parts, in addition to the 43,00 people apple employs in the United States and the 20,000 they employ overseas. Nearly none of those 700,000 people live in the United states, they work in other countries. Some part of the iPhone are American. The software for the iPhone, for instance, and its marketing campaigns were created in the United States. Apple recently built a $500 million data center in North Carolina.â€Å"Also another advantage for Apple was that China provided engineers at an extent the United States could not Annotated bibliography. (2016, May 23). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Employee Motivation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Employee Motivation - Essay Example Besides, Taylor was the first to identify other than material the needs of the employees and tried to include them into motivational process. Among the other, he hired doctors, nurses and psychologists to his company (Miner, 2005). 4 Maslow's theory of motivation: a revolution in organizational science. During 1950s the diverse approaches to human nature were united into a broad organizational approach. This period was the heyday of organizational science as during that time major concepts that motivation were developed. The most important of such theories is obviously Abraham Maslow's (1954) theory of motivation. Maslow's "hierarchy of needs" provided a framework for analysis why people work and how they may be motivated in the best way (McShane and Von Glinow, 2001). 6 Goal-setting theory, developed by Edwin Locke and Gary Latham, implies that the goals are the most important factors affecting the motivation and behaviour of employees. This theory emphasizes the importance of specific and challenging goals in achieving motivated behaviour. Specific goals, observing Locke and Latham, usually imply quantitative targets that motivate people to work more effectively. These goals are usually rather achievable, though not easy to achieve. Challenging goals, in their turn, are difficult but not impossible to attain. Empirical research supports the proposition that goals that are both specific and challenging are more motivational than vague goals or goals that are relatively easy to achieve (Miner, 2005; McShane and Von Glinow, 2001). 9 Several factors moderate the relationship between specific and challenging goals as well as with high levels of motivation, i.e.: 10 Goal commitment, which means that the more dedicated an individual is to achieve the goal, the more he/she will be motivated to exert effort toward goal accomplishment. 10 Self-efficacy that is an employee's belief that he/she can successfully complete a particular task. If individuals have a high degree of self-efficacy, they are likely to respond more positively to specific and challenging goals than if they have a low degree of self-efficacy (Miner, 2005; McShane and Von Glinow, 2001). 10 Conclusions 10 FACTORS AND PROCESSES THAT AFFECT EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN ORGANIZATION Introduction Effective motivation is a corner stone of organizational functioning, development, competitiveness and, yet, effectiveness. Over the past decades, the way in which people are managed, promoted and stimulated at workplaces has become a primary key to assess and improve organizational efficiency and marketability and became a part of a general organizational strategy. In terms of globalization and rapidly changing business environment, as well as growing competitiveness on the market modern companies increasingly need to rely rather of skilled and motivated employees then on pure technologies and products. As Steve Jobs, CEO of legendary Apple Computers states, "in terms when technologies may be